Melojane Valisno

LICENSE: 10401294541

(917) 783-1848
(631) 291-6290 (Office)


Melojane Valisno has lived in numerous neighborhoods throughout Long Island, Suffolk, and Nassau County, as well as Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, and  Manhattan. Her understanding of the Island's diversity, culture, and architectural integrity, along with her practical knowledge of each neighborhood, is what makes her so successful in matching people to properties.

Though Long Island, NY appears to be one large and condensed metropolis, it is in fact a city composed of a vast array of people and neighborhoods. That's why it's so important to find an agent with experience with all of Long Island's different "personalities" so that they can help you find the best location for your needs, likes, and lifestyle.


Melojane has had a wide range of experience working with sellers. While navigating the complex Residential process in Suffolk and Nassau County or selling vacation homes in Hampton, her clients are always satisfied and refer her on a regular basis. It is Melojane's honest and open communication which is at the top of the list, along with her persistent dedication, which put her above the rest.

Throughout her years on Long Island and in New York City, Melojane has been involved in all Filpino Community Organizations.

Dedicated to her client's real estate needs, Melojane is honest, comfortable in social situations, and works hard to meet everyone's unique requirements. With her market insight and eye for quality and value, Melojane helps facilitate the smoothest real estate experience available for single professionals, families with children, or empty nesters.

In today's market, buying and selling property on Long Island, NY can be very challenging. Melojane has the experience and fortitude to make the process less stressful and more enjoyable than one might expect.

It’s a good life!